Well it's Friday! I had a very busy day starting in the morning with clients who travelled here from Champagne, Ill. They are wanting warmer winters! Imagine that! Seeking warmth in a friendly atmosphere, I would say they chose the right place. We looked at town homes, condos, and small single family homes. They are hoping to visit here during January and February and then letting their children visit for vacations. They want little or no maintenance, but want a pet friendly environment for their small dog.
They visited here for the first time and really seem to think it will fit for what they are wanting. They seem to be leaning towards the condo since this is basically no maintenance. They can come and go as they please. They are active and want to be able to enjoy themselves while they are here. We spent the day together and they will stay downtown heading home on Monday. I won't be surprised if I see them again tomorrow or Sunday!
Tomorrow I have 2 sets of clients coming. One local couple that want to move into Daniel Island Park and an out of town couple coming for a second visit. The wife was here and now she is bringing the husband! You see how that works ladies?
Til Tomorrow!