I started my morning with a nice 7 mile run! My running buddies are out of town so I was on my own. I went early enough to be lucky enough to watch the sunrise and as I was heading back home. It was beautiful. Cool breeze, low humidity, birds singing and so peaceful. It's my favorite time to run. As I drove to work this morning at 8:15 I saw so many people out running, walking, biking, it was amazing! I thought to myself, where else could you live and see such a cool sight? It is not uncommon for an out of town visitor to be driving on the Mark Clark Expressway and pass over Daniel Island and while looking down on this little town, their curiosity brings them to the sales center. They just want to know what is this place? I talk to them about how we began Daniel Island about 10 years ago and now we have churches, schools, a grocery store, restaurants, medical facilities and more. I take them for a tour showing them the walking paths where there are always residents walking or running and many times I take them to lunch in one of our restaurants, and that really puts them right out there with the homeowners. Usually I see one or two homeowners and we chat and it gives my new clients a peek into the life style here.
As a matter of fact, last week a couple came to Daniel Island, just to see what what was here. They did not know Daniel Island existed before last weekend. Now today, one week later, I am preparing an offer for them on a condo. They decided they would love to have a second home here. They are from Illinois and would love to have warm winters. This is the perfect setting for them. They are so excited to begin to enjoy what they saw for the first time last weekend!
So it's really the homeowners, the stores, the restaurants, churches and schools that make Daniel Island so compelling. I am always here if you are in town and want to see the island and have lunch!
Til tomorrow!